Project Highlights
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HCS Projects | ![]() |
Chris Helmer – Previous Project Experience |
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Construction Dewatering |
Land Development |
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Permitting and Approvals |
Municipal Projects |
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Construction Dewatering
Seaton Community Development – Rossland Road Extension, Pickering..
Preparation of a hydrogeology study to support a Category 3 PTTW application for construction dewatering along the 2.7 km Rossland Road extension; including sanitary and storm servicing installations, directional drilling beneath a CP Rail crossing, and replacement of a large creek culvert.
Wilfrid Laurier/YMCA Athletic Complex, Brantford.
Assessment of the property included a hydrogeology study in support of a Category 3 PTTW application for construction of the athletic facility building and pool. The scope of work initially comprised slug testing of on-site monitoring wells; water chemistry sampling; and assessment of dewatering requirements for both construction of the facility and for the permanent groundwater collection system. Subsequent tasks included drilling additional boreholes completed as monitoring wells to delineate the extent of soil and groundwater contamination. Maximum daily dewatering flow calculations were performed, and adjacent water supply wells and sensitive areas were assessed for potential impacts. Recommendations were provided for treatment of the dewatering discharge to meet applicable City and MOECC guidelines..
The Barrel Yards Development, Waterloo.
Hydrogeological work on the project included a hydrogeology study and associated monitoring activities; obtaining a Category 2 PTTW (EASR) for an on-site pumping test to assess construction dewatering flow rates; obtaining and renewing a Category 3 PTTW for long term construction dewatering; obtaining and renewing an ECA for dewatering discharge to the municipal storm sewer; developing a dewatering plan for the City of Waterloo; and ongoing communication with the MOECC to address periodic groundwater chemistry issues.
Elizabeth Street Reconstruction, Guelph.
Hydrogeological investigation to support a Category 3 PTTW application for servicing reconstruction. Groundwater chemistry impacts were assessed, along with nearby water supply wells and surface water features. Recommendations were provided for treatment of the dewatering discharge to meet applicable City and MOECC guidelines, and supplementary investigations of surface water chemistry and construction dewatering discharge were completed to satisfy MOECC concerns prior to the issuance of the PTTW. Upon commencement of dewatering operations, weekly groundwater chemistry monitoring was initiated.
Hanlon Creek Business Park, Guelph.
Drilling of boreholes and completion of test pits; slug testing to confirm saturated soil hydraulic conductivity; and submission of a Category 3 PTTW application.
Land Development
Shannon Court, Orangeville.
Hydrogeological investigation for a proposed industrial/commercial development included borehole drilling and monitoring well installation, calculation of saturated soil hydraulic conductivities via grain size analyses and slug testing, and groundwater chemistry analysis. Local stratigraphy and hydrogeological conditions were compared to regional-scale data, potential impacts to municipal WHPAs were assessed, site water balance calculations were generated to assess the impact of development on groundwater resources, and a salt impact assessment was prepared. Mitigation recommendations for infiltration of precipitation and management of chlorides were provided to support the proposed development.
731 Huron Road, Kitchener.
Investigation of groundwater conditions beneath the property was required to update historical mapping based on significant changes to grades surrounding the site. Ten test pits were excavated across the property, groundwater levels were observed, soil hydrogeological properties were assessed, and reporting included comments on required separation between the groundwater table and foundation footings.
1666 Villa Nova Road, County of Norfolk.
Hydrogeological assessment for the proposed lot severance included investigation of subsurface soils, water chemistry sampling, and a Nitrate Impact Assessment with recommendations for sewage treatment options to meet the Ontario Drinking Water Standards.
Aberfoyle Snomobiles – 92 Brock Road South, Puslinch.
Hydrogeological assessment for the proposed commercial development included water chemistry sampling, with follow-up chemistry sampling to delineate potential sewage effluent plumes. A Nitrate Impact Assessment with recommendations for sewage treatment options to meet the Ontario Drinking Water Standards was also prepared.
Bethsaida Retirement Home – 3 Hillside Drive, Orangeville.
A proposed commercial expansion required a hydrogeology study, including drilling and installation of monitoring wells, calculation of saturated soil hydraulic conductivities via grain size analyses and slug testing, and groundwater chemistry analysis. The hydrogeology report assessed local stratigraphy and groundwater levels with comparison to regional conditions, evaluated potential impacts to municipal supply wells, calculated a site water balance, and discussed mitigation options to achieve the post-development infiltration target. Iterative changes to the water balance calculations were performed in concert with the SWM engineer to evaluate the effectiveness of a proposed infiltration gallery.
Harbourview Road, Township of Wainfleet.
The proposed multi-lot severance required a hydrogeological investigation to support development via private water supply and private sewage disposal. Tasks completed included door-to-door well survey and water chemistry sampling, site test pit excavation to assess the depth to bedrock, and a predictive nitrate impact assessment. The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority was engaged extensively to ensure the scope of the submitted hydrogeology report satisfied all NPCA requirements. The report was subsequently updated to reflect changes to the Draft Plan.
Morrison Creek Estates – Ripplewood Road, Cambridge.
Update to the existing hydrogeology report required one year of monthly groundwater level measurement, assessment of the seasonally high groundwater table, and preparation of a summary report.
41 Holmwood Street, Winterbourne.
A Water Supply Potential Assessment was prepared for the proposed lot severance, including a door-to-door well survey and domestic water supply chemistry analyses, and assessment of MOECC Water Well Record data for the study area.
784 The Queensway, Etobicoke.
Assessment of construction dewatering requirements for the proposed property redevelopment comprised a 24-hour pumping test with water chemistry analysis. The pumping test report included calculation of transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, and dewatering flow rates.
Laurentian Woods – 42 Gravel Ridge Trail, Kitchener.
Hydrogeological assessment of the property included installation of monitoring wells, assessment of soil hydraulic conductivity via slug testing and soil grain size analyses, water chemistry sampling, and quarterly measurement of groundwater elevations over a 2-year period. The hydrogeology study report compared new data to data from previous site assessment regarding shallow groundwater, deep overburden aquifers, and nearby surface water features; discussed potential impacts from the proposed development; and provided a pre-development site water balance.
15-19 Centre Street, Orangeville.
Hydrogeological investigation for the proposed residential development included installation of monitoring wells, assessment of soil hydraulic conductivity via slug tests and grain size analysis, and preparation of a hydrogeology study including detailed site water balance calculations.
218 Highway 8, Hamilton.
Scoped hydrogeological assessment for the proposed lot severance included review of the study area, supervision of a supply well installation, and conductance of a pumping test to support City of Hamilton requirements.
First CRC – 287 Water Street, Guelph.
Soil permeability was assessed, and soil percolation rates calculated, to support the design of an infiltration gallery for the proposed property expansion.
304 Mountain Road, Grimsby.
Nitrate Impact Assessment calculations were prepared in support of the proposed multi-lot severance, along with assessment of potential impacts to private water supply wells.
Earth to Table Farm, Flamborough.
Investigation of the site for a mixed agricultural/commercial project included a hydrogeology study with preliminary septic design calculations. Long term monitoring of groundwater levels was initiated, and subsequent tasks included investigation of the depth to bedrock and bedrock quality; assessment of the connection between groundwater and surface water discharging on the property; supervision of an on-site pumping test and preparation of a pumping test report; and preparation of a supplementary hydrogeology study report in support of a Category 3 PTTW. Responses were provided to technical comments submitted by the MOECC based on their review of the report documents.
River Ridge Subdivision, Waterloo.
Monitoring of residential supply wells to study the potential impacts to existing wells from the proposed development. Co-ordination with residents over three years for water level measurements and water chemistry sampling, and to obtain stream flow measurements. Regular reporting, notifying residents of chemistry results, and submission of annual summary reports. Additionally, hydrogeological assessment of one residential property to assess the connection between shallow groundwater and surface water features on and adjacent to the property.
Grandview Ravines and Sifton Properties Developments, Brantford.
The proposed developments required hydrogeology investigations, and long term monitoring of groundwater levels. Additional hydrogeological work was completed to study groundwater flow gradients and surface water chemistry. The projects became part of an OMB hearing, where expert witness testimony was successfully delivered on hydrogeological topics.
Trillium Lands, Kitchener.
Several hydrogeology studies and technical memoranda were prepared for the property, from site-level investigations to assessment of SWM facility locations and areas of localized perched groundwater. Groundwater chemistry sampling and long term monitoring of groundwater levels were part of pre-construction and during-construction monitoring programs. Physical testing of subsurface soils at proposed infiltration facilities was completed to assess the performance of closed-basin systems, and recommendations were provided for the sub-excavation of low permeability soils within the infiltration footprint of the facilities.
Paris Grand Golf and Country Club, Paris.
A hydrogeology study was originally undertaken for the proposed 400-lot residential subdivision. The report was updated two years later to include subcatchment-level water balance calculations, and to provide comments on the Functional Servicing and Preliminary Stormwater Management Report prepared by another consultant. Subsequent work included consulting with County of Brant staff to assess the potential impacts to nearby municipal wellfields and groundwater collection systems, and inclusion of mitigation measures in the updated hydrogeology study report.
Big Spring Farms and South Estate Lands, Kitchener.
Combined study of the two adjacent properties for two landowners. The hydrogeology study was prepared, and subsequently updated to reflect four years of groundwater monitoring data. Additional study of the property included groundwater and surface water chemistry sampling, monitoring well installation to investigate perched groundwater conditions in localized areas, and investigation of the connection between shallow groundwater, sensitive surface water features, and the regional aquifer system.
Swan Creek Estates, Inverhaugh.
Hydrogeological investigation included drilling monitoring wells and a water supply well on site; monitoring groundwater levels for multiple years to assess seasonal groundwater fluctuations; groundwater chemistry sampling from overburden and bedrock aquifers; and conducting a pumping test; to support the construction of a thirty-lot estate subdivision. The proposed development plan was revised, requiring updates to the hydrogeology study report, and responses were provided to municipal peer review comments.
Permitting and Approvals
Whistle Bear Golf Club – 1316 Dickie Settlement Road, Cambridge.
Long-term support of site operations has included preparation of annual ECA summary reports, preparation of a PTTW amendment application, preparation of a hydrogeology study in support of an ECA amendment for operation of a sewage treatment system, groundwater level and chemistry monitoring to satisfy ECA requirements, and surface water chemistry monitoring to support sewage system redesign.
Floradale Feed Mill – 2131 Floradale Road, Floradale.
Commercial facility expansion required a Category 3 Permit to Take Water. A comprehensive hydrogeology study in support of the Category 3 application was prepared, including analysis of a 48-hour pumping test.
The HUB – Albert Street, Waterloo.
To support operation of an open-loop geothermal system, an ECA application was prepared through a pre-consultation meeting with the MOECC, comprehensive review of consultant reports and data, and compilation of all required data and submissions. Ongoing groundwater monitoring plus annual reporting is being conducted to support Region of Waterloo and MECP mandated monitoring programs.
Treviso – 3095 Dufferin Street, Toronto.
To support an application for discharge to municipal storm sewers, a 7-day assessment of building sump pump discharge rates was conducted via manual flow measurements and electronic monitoring.
The Barrel Yards Development, Waterloo.
Hydrogeological work on the project included a hydrogeology study and associated monitoring activities; obtaining a Category 2 PTTW (EASR) for an on-site pumping test to assess construction dewatering flow rates; obtaining and renewing a Category 3 PTTW for long term construction dewatering; obtaining and renewing an ECA for dewatering discharge to the municipal storm sewer; developing a dewatering plan for the City of Waterloo; and ongoing communication with the MOECC to address periodic groundwater chemistry issues.
Municipal Projects
Municipal SWM Pond Phosphorous Assessment – City of London.
Investigation of legacy Phosphorous concentrations in fifty-four SWM ponds required in-water sampling using a Ponar sampler and watercraft. The sample results were analyzed and cross-referenced to various environmental and anthropogenic factors to assess data trends, then compared to criteria and objectives outlined in the City’s Domestic Action Plan and the Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan. A robust cross section of recommendations for mitigation measures, remediation strategies, future investigative work, and other Best Management Practices were compiled from extensive research.
Highway 400 and Tiffin Street, Barrie.
Long term monitoring of construction dewatering for the MTO project included weekly groundwater level measurements and analysis of datalogger data, monthly water chemistry sampling, and quarterly reporting of data analysis and trends.
West Acres Villas – 42 West Acres Crescent, Kitchener.
To address Region of Waterloo and MOECC concerns over a monitoring well that was damaged during construction, all pertinent information concerning the damage and attempts to locate the damaged well were compiled into a review and factual summary, with assessment of risk to the municipal aquifer.
Yonge Street Rapidway, Newmarket.
Impacted Materials Co-ordinator for day-to-day operations of impacted materials identification and excavation; Impacted Materials Inspector for contaminated soil delineation and segregation; assisting with the design, implementation, and operation of an LNAPL recovery program; and obtaining and requesting modifications to municipal Sewer Use Permits for construction dewatering.
F.G. Gardiner Expressway Rehabilitation, Toronto.
Completion of a soil and groundwater investigation to assess the vertical and horizontal extents of contaminated and hazardous soils, and the quality of groundwater, beneath the property from Cherry Street to the Don River.
Gordie Howe International Bridge, Windsor.
Assessment of soil and groundwater contamination and remediation options for an Arsenic-impacted parcel of land to be redeveloped; collaborating the with Contractor, City of Windsor, and MOECC to revise an existing PTTW and evaluate construction dewatering discharge feasibility; and providing direction and consulting services to the Contractor regarding MOECC dewatering legislation.
MNR Fire Management Facilities, North Bay and Haliburton.
Concurrent investigations for proposed fire management facilities in North Bay and Haliburton included site surveys and hydrogeological studies. Supplementary tasks included the supervision of supply well drilling, preparation of a hydrogeology study in support of a Category 3 PTTW, and supervision of geothermal well drilling.
Meinzinger Avenue Reconstruction, Kitchener.
Preparation of a hydrogeology study in support of a Category 3 PTTW application for storm and sanitary sewer construction. The scope of work included drilling four boreholes completed as monitoring wells; slug testing of the wells; water chemistry sampling; and soil grain size analysis. Maximum daily dewatering calculations were prepared, and adjacent water supply wells and sensitive areas were assessed for potential impacts.
Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant, Elgin.
A hydrogeological investigation was conducted for a Category 3 PTTW application; including an investigation of adjacent groundwater users, sensitive areas, and potential contaminant sources; and assessment of the connectivity between groundwater and surface water features. Subsequent discovery of hydrocarbon contamination required environmental remediation and design of a pump-and-treat system to isolate the contamination from the construction dewatering system.